Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Monday, April 20, 2009
Profile on Canada-Culture TV

My work was recently featured on Canada-Culture TV, which is a online Bulgarian-Canadian TV channel. I am very honored to be included in this publication. It is great to see what other Bulgarian artists are doing in Canada. Here is the write up in Bulgarian:
Още от юношеските години, Биляна Велкова е привлечена от понятия като консумеризъм (защита на потребителите чрез асоциации), обществен идентитет и марки мания. Тя включва в артистичния си подход инстументи за маркетинг използвани често от комерсиалните продукти.Напомняйки рекламната кампания на един известен парфюм, последната изложба на Биляна Breathless (Без дъх; Бездихание), споява изкуство и комерсиализъм лансирайки един продукт лишен от идентитета на марката, замъглявайки по този начин границите между изкуство, материална култура и обществен идентитет. В този репортаж, ще откриете как лансирането на Breathless преобразява художествената галерия в консумеристично събитие привличайки вниманието на медиите и материалното любопитство за един несъществуващ продукт.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sapor cella

My friend B. has started a wonderful foodie blog called Sapor cella. Sapor cella means tasting room in latin, and I think it suits it delightfully. I can't wait for more food adventures with B. Look for an upcoming report on the new Les Amis du Fromage restaurant.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Almost done

I am getting ready to leave for Vancouver for a month tomorrow. School is officially done, I need to tie some lose ends and then fly away tomorrow. The last couple of weeks were a little testy but I am feeling on top if it now that it is all done. And I am getting the feeling that I am going to miss Saskatoon. What a difference a few degrees make.
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Do you know what today is?
It is my blog's birthday! It was on April 8, 2006 that I wrote my first post after meeting a wonderful group of shiny gold cowboy boots at the Army and Navy. It has been a great journey, I am not much of a diary keeper but this is the closest I have been to being persistent at keeping a some sort of journal. Happy birthday, missbiliana!
Monday, April 06, 2009
Sister Corita

I recently rediscovered Sister Corita's wonderful seriagraphs. I had seen some of her work in an Italian issue of Vogue of all places but tonight I was looking at the Zach Feuer Gallery's website and noticed her work again. But mostly, how adorable are all these nuns working harmoniously in the studio? I wonder if these are their work habits?
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Burt and Dolly

My uncle used to work abroad in the 80's and he would smuggle Western films for us to see. They were badly dubbed (usually by one guy, so he did both the men's and women's parts in a very monotone voice). My uncle had a taste for musicals and old country western music, so we mostly got to see Bob Fosse musicals and Dolly Parton films. I thought everyone in America spontaneously bursts into a song, does jazz hands to express emotions and dances around chairs like Liza Minnelli in Cabaret. These drawings are from the series Burt and Dolly.