Here are some moments of the soon to be exiting 2008:
The year started with a fabulous trip to Mexico with Miss B
Received an offer of admission to grad school in Sask
Got promoted at work and moved to a new office
Our cat Putzka died the same day as Pavarotti
Inspector Clouseau came into our life
Received an offer of admission to grad school in Halifax
Opened Breathless show at Jeffrey Boone Gallery
Left my job
Had a cheap and cheerful garage sale and left my beloved Strathcona flat
Went to Europe, visited friends in London, uncle in Sofia and drank campari in Milan
Attended a friend's wedding in Sofia, very proud as I was the matchmaker
Moved to Saskatoon, miss K came for moral support
Started school, met new friends
Began a new body of work
Went to Toronto: Toronto Art Fair, Nuit Blanche and Stu were some of the highlights
Live Artfully happened
Continued working in the studio
Wrote the longest paper in my life
Home to Vancouver for Christmas, visited with many friends, had closure and ate tons of sushi
Looking at this list, it looks like it was an amazing year, and it was! I feel fortunate for everyone in my life and I am thankful for everything that came our way. PS. The picture is my uncle Toni and I in Milan.