Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Updated webste

Hello! It has been a busy week here in North Vancouver. In the midsts of it all, Rodney was able to update new images on to my website, which has not been updated for months. Very exciting! Thank you Rodney, you know all the pot roasts in the world can not repay you what you have done for me in the internet world.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Love. Change. Life

In the spirit of the current show, the first major change already occurred. I moved! I don't think this is a favourite past time of anyone but I especially do not like it. It is not so much the physical exhaustion of it all but the emotional trauma that happens with the change. It really does take a toll on me and the ones around me. But we did it, thank you all for your help! My family was great. And now I am writing this post from North Van, sitting in my grandmother’s kitchen as she is making crepes. I am a teenager again! I am getting settled here for a week until I leave for Sofia and then there will be the other big move to Saskatoon. But I will deal with this when the time comes. For now I will enjoy crepes with homemade quince jam and while sipping an espresso. Mmmmm. I am also posting photos from the opening, thank you dear James for the photos and also Cathy and Elise for their great job curating another fantastic show!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Dr Zhivago

I have been thinking of my basing my Saskatoon look on Dr. Zhivago. I already have a collection of second hand fir that I never wear in Vancouver and when I was a kid I would watch it for hours on end (it was really long) over and over again. I absolutely love Lara's style and one of my favourite scene is the snow covered interior of the house where Dr. Zhivago and Lara went to hide in Siberia. He wrote his best work there. Absolutely gorgeous, terribly heartbreaking and incredibly romantic.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Love. Change. Life

This exhibition is very timely, with all the changes around. Please come to Tatooful this Thursday, July 17 for a night of summer fun, art and friends! Always a treat at Tartooful!


Sunday, July 13, 2008

Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

This is my result:

Your sin has been measured. You have committed many sins, but Gluttony is the mortal sin that has done you in. Just below, discover your full sinful breakdown and learn what it is about you that codemns you to hell.

Lust:Very Low

The Seven Deadly Sins Quiz

Friday, July 11, 2008

One of Us

In the spirit of packing...and unpacking

Thursday, July 10, 2008

When Perfect is Not the Goal

Interesting article in the NYT about a designer from Kate Spade who redid her house guided by her kids' ideas, I think it is extremely bold and fresh. And inspiring.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

These days

Packing, packing and more packing. But tonight as I was hopelessly starring into a pile of unpacked straggling items, I went on a self proclaimed strike.I took off to the patio, painted my toenails and went for a beer with the girls. I can only take so much packing!

Saturday, July 05, 2008

Sofia 2008

The recent explosions around Sofia got me thinking about tolerance, strained patience, fear, collective memory and the effects of the tragicomedical deliverance of the news from the local media. Someone mentioned that is out of a Bregovic film. I talked to my uncle who lives very near where the explosions happened, he is OK but the fear and shock were still with him after the last blast. I just wonder how much can people really take and at what point is it enough. On a lighter note I had to break the news to Miss K., I am glad that she is still bubbly about Bulgaria. And we have a new motto for our trip!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Al Bano and Romina Power

I have been meaning to write about Al Bano and Romina Power for awhile now. And now that is summer is here again and I am listening to them, I can' help but share their wonderful sound. Sometimes it can border on "sugar spread on bread" but I think it comes from the heart. I remember my parents listening to their music over and over again and I guess I associate it with happier, safer maybe simpler times. Anyways, here is one my favourite: Tu Soltanto Tu

Garage Sale

Hello friends,

You are cordially invited to my "I have way too much stuff" garage sale on Saturday, July 5, from 10am to 4pm. Kitchen stuff, dress up stuff, numerous chachkies, records, magazines and cookbooks. And lemonade!