Giggling girls with Gewürztraminer

I promise this blog is not turning into a foodie/oenophile loving forum but since I have been back here on the West Coast for vacation, I have been indulging in tons of tasting of both varieties. Miss K and I tried a great Gewürztraminer from Kettle Valley winery. I tried finding it in a goverment liquor store but they don't carry it. One has to go to a specialty wine store, but it is absolutely worth it!
correction: Miss K enjoyed a nice crisp Éphémère. but she did try and agreed with my views of the wine.
Go ahead! Become a food-loving oeniphile blog! It suits you!
Thanks MB,
I am not against it but it will be a challenge while living in Saskatoon. But I am hoping I can blog about fresh fruit and tasty perogies found at country fairs all over the prairies this summer.
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