Братя Аргирови
This is an update from the last post. I got very nostalgic looking at old Bulgarian pop clips on youtube and I got to the Братя Аргирови site. They go by the name "Brothers Argirov" and are a pair of twins very popular in the early 80's. They are actually my 3rd cousins, which I always thought was pretty spectacular. And tonight they look better than ever. Aren't they cute?
I love this video! What are they singing about? What's with the clowns?
Hope all is well in Sask. It's snowing again. I think the whole city of Vancouver is crying right now.
Miss B
Yes, I should have explained about the content of the video. The song is called "A Girl from the Next Class". They sing about a secret crush they have on a girl from another class. Pretty prudish and cute. I don't get the clowns.
Sask is good so far, although I suffered from an initial cabin fever when I first got here. I went out to a friend's house for dinner tonight and it made it better. It is pretty simple what we need to feel better. Good company, food and a wine is all it takes.
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