Lost and Found

I did not want to write about this here until the issue was resolved. The story involves a lost luggage, many phone calls, letting go of material things and finally - a happy conclusion. Let me start from the beginning. My flight from Sofia to Vancouver was with Bulgaria Air to London and then with Globespan to Vancouver with about 2 and half hours layover. So far so good. When I checked my luggage at the airport in Sofia, I was informed that they can only check it until London, where I have to collect it, go thru security and then recheck it with Globespan. I was a little annoyed but I thought I could do it since I knew Globespan was at the same terminal as Bulgaria Air at London Gatwick. So I was on my way. I forgot to mention that this was August 26. We boarded, everything seemed OK, and as we were preparing to go, the flight attendant in her very direct Bulgarian tone informed us that a passenger was ill and could not board, therefore their luggage had to be removed. Well, that took about two hours and as I was sitting right next to the wing, I got to see how painstakingly long the baggage handlers took to look for the luggage. I also had a toddler hit the back of my seat over and over again as I was going really anxios about catching my non refundable flight back to Vancouver. We finally lifted off and as scheduled we were about two hours late coming into London Gatwick. I bolted from the plane, flew thru customs, thanks to my Bg passport, I was able to go thru the much smaler EU line and then I planted myself infront of the monitor to see where the luggage from Bulgaria Air will appear. Well, I did not have very much time to wait for it, as the boarding time for my Vancouver flight was closing in 15 minutes. I asked the baggage officer there what to do and he advised me to just go and catch my Vancouver flight and to fill out a missing clam once in Vancouver. They would then send it with the next flght and even deliver it right infront of my door. Sounds simple, right? I boarded my flight feeling anxious as I intrusted everything and left my luggage all alone in London. Ten hours later, groggy and still anxious, I went to the Air Canada lost luggage counter, as I was told they handle Globespan's lost luggage claim. I filled out a form but they could not actually assign me a proper lost reference number as I was not a client of Air Canada and technically I did not check anyting with Globespan. They wished me good luck and I was done. The next four days are a little bit of a blur, as I was packing for Saskatoon, saying good bye to my family and friends and calling every lost luggage number, the Bulgaria Air offices in London and Sofia, London Gatwick's lost luggage and my travell agent. It was pure hell. Nothing turned up as nobody would actually take responsibility for the luggage and it seemed that I fell inbetween the cracks. On the fourth day, ten minutes before my taxi was to come to take me to the airport for my flight to Saskatoon, I got a call from the same baggage officer in London Gatwick that advised me to leave it there. He asked me what I wanted to do with my luggage. I told him I was moving to Saskatoon and if he can please send it there. It was really funny spelling out Saskatchewan to an Englishman at 5am in my state. He assured me again that it was going to be OK. Again I had an anxious flight but this time with Miss K. who also knows airtravel and anxieties but was able to be of great comfort. Four days later, and few more calls that I barelly remember, I was at the Saskatoon airport this time to say good bye to Miss K. Apparently the bag was rerouted to Toronto with Air Transat and then to Saskatoon with Air Canada. We checked in with the Saskatoon lost luggage, I got to know everone there by their first names, great guys by the way. Luke especially. But no bag. Miss K was to check upon arrival in Vancouver if it was there but again no hope there. At this point I had said good bye to all my belongings from the bag and concentrated on school. Last Sunday I got a call from a very excited Cam (another great guy from the Saskatoon airport) saying that he has my bag and that he is coming right over. Oh, I was so happy. My hopes were up again. As opened the door I saw that what he had brought was a very similar bag to mine but alas not the same. I did not know if I should cry or laugh. Cam told me that he had a customer that got her bag three years later. But at least she got it. I was done. Done with my belongigs from the bag, done with the hope, done with the phone calls. Just done. And today, almost three weeks later from that fatefull flight from Sofia, I got a message from another lovely gentleman form the Saskatoon airport saying that they have my bag for sure this time. Trying not to get too excited, I went there with my fine friend J from school and would you belive it, they had my bag!!! It was a really long fight and flight it seems like but it all turned out positive at the end. I will try to fly only carry on next time!
Well, knock on wood, but Dan & I fly an awful lot and we've never had any problems whatsoever with regards to luggage ... so just think of it as a strange anomaly! I'm sure it won't happen again. :)
I'm glad it all worked out for you in the end!!!
PS: Remember, everything happens for a reason ... seriously!
Thanks Crissy! I know it all happens for a reason, I am trying to figure out this one. Have a great trip, I can't wait to hear all about it!
Good for you, delightful news. I can hear the angels singing for you and the Saints who will be painted on the icon panels.... Saint Anthony - Patron Saint of Lost Things, perhaps?
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