Monday, May 07, 2007

Zip the Hangover

Well as it turns out I did manage to go to the races this weekend. I had made plans to go with my friend Ian but as it turned out I had more then my share of martinis the night before and really wasn't up to getting up early to see horses race in the rain. Not even close. But Ian was persistent and kept calling on the hour and ignoring my plights for mercy and finally I emerged from my apartment in my finest of jockey wear. I had another outfit planned but because of circumstances (hangover) and weather (finest of Vancouver drizzle) I was forced to change plans and go in a more subdued outfit of gumboots, jeans and a checkerd blazer. We stumbled upon the annual Ukrainian Hall borscht and pirogues lunch on the way to the races, which was a great fortifying meal and well deserves my hat off to the ladies in the Hall. The races were a blast to say the least. We quickly forgot about the rain and began betting with our $2 bets. The system is complicated, I opted to go with my instincts and bet on the horses’ names. Ian actually checked odds and consulted with pretty much everybody at the track. Zip the Hurricane, Funky Friends and Righteous Lady were my favorite and Righteous Lady actually won after a minor disqualification of the horse before her. I won $2.80! Ian was luckier with a total win of $5.70 but I believe he did more research. Overall a great day to fight a hangover, yell names and jump around after the race. Even if they didn't win.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it does not look like our city when you see the horses and track-
I will don a hat sometime in sunnier weather and give it a go with you-
we'll be off to the races!

10:57 a.m.  
Blogger Miss Biliana said...

Yes, when it is sunnier one difinatelly needs a big floppy hat. I wore a giant pink straw hat last year. Don't you just love saying "off to the races?"

1:18 p.m.  

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